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Let people know about your SCS with this t-shirt

buy on Etsy Introducing a unique and educational T-shirt featuring a detailed illustration of a spinal cord stimulator system! This shirt is specially designed for individuals who have undergone spinal cord stimulator implantation, offering them a stylish and informative way to share their experience with others. Key Features: High-Quality Graphic: The T-shirt showcases a vivid, […]

Let people know about your SCS with this t-shirt Read More »

Why do so many pain management doctors have low ratings on online reviews?

Why does my pain management doctor have low reviews? Pain management doctors, myself included,  are healthcare professionals who specialize in treating patients who suffer from chronic pain. They are trained to manage and treat pain using a variety of methods, including medication, physical therapy, and other interventions. However, despite their expertise, pain management doctors often

Why do so many pain management doctors have low ratings on online reviews? Read More »